

Lord of the rings online

My Stormsong misses two fireworks! A scandal for my completionist who has all the best equipment. So, I had to work. Do all easy quests in Bree (1 x invitations; 1 x fireworks. And 1 x weekly “deliver stuff”), then go to bashing feast in Thorin’s Hall. This one is grindy (one token per fight).

Yet it is fun. Go, run, bash, fly, bash…I usually pick one player and then bash him. It is not about “let’s make someone’s life worse”. Only time I picked specifically one player. Well…he had Saruman costume on, so naturally – a target. Another player accused me on being bad, because I interrrupted “pick beer” quest. I did not. I just bashed without any thinking. Quickly bash-leave-wait-quickly bash. I added that people could tell me.

My work gave its results: bartered one firework, now am at some 22/40 for another. So it’s all about doing what gives most tokens. Which mostly means bashing.

I feel pity for Windstorms. She needs xp and festival does mean some xp. But she must wait. After Stormsong finishes grind run – Windstorms could resume xp grind. Every single point counts. Why? To reach lvl.85 quickly, then replace wrong traceries with correct ones.

And, of course, start Rohan, my beloved land of horse lords.


Almost zero activity. Planning my castle. It goes wrong on Excel, it looks wrong when I try to build. Yet – I finally made some blueprint. Wall with 4 towers, then main castle (21 x 41), below it – another building (some 13 x 31). Wall and towers would be from dark bricks, castle – from normal bricks.

I went to lobby of one expert builder. He builds nice medieval and fantasy things. I went to his lobby, asked for ideas and got ban. He later explained he had “intimate moments” with other user. He angrily explained that he builds for himself, not for others.

So much of my appretiation. I acknowledge him as better. I ask for his ideas. And all I get is ban.

A pity. It means I am left alone with my ideas. And I would never be half as good as that player. Yet – castle will be built. I designed flag for it, so that flag proudly waves above castle. And with this town I temporaly stop. One big town is more than enough. I can build roads, villages, small structures – but nothing so fundamental.

And so I enjoy my Lotro…while probably resuming building in Bloxd. Life is not that bad after all.