

Lord of the rings online

I worked to get those fancy tokens. Literally – worked. Two daily quests in Bree (invitations and launch fireworks), weekly quest to bring presents. Invitations were a nightmare – almost no envelopes. Players were at the every corner, I had almost no chance. After 1 or 2 crashes there were no players and envelopes everywhere. Of course, I got enough envelopes for a next time… Then, back to bashing fight in Thorins Hall.
I quickly got my remaining tokens and here it is – Eagle fireworks. They somehow remind Dragon, but let it be…it’s nice fireworks, after all.
My social life in Lotro ceased to exist. Other players exists, as exist, say, Ministry of Post in some distant African country. Of course, they have post, ministry with minister and even post stamps. They don’t know me, I don’t know them and we do not care about each other. Same with Lotro “community” – very few kind and nice people, rest is cold and silence. But let it be. I may be almost self-sufficient.

News from Lotro: SSG once again will torture players with under-earth content. I can only laugh. This shows lack of any creativity. If you run out of ideas, make underground map. Same brown-black corridors, same map that may not be accurate (who cares?). And you save money to show sky/rivers/forests. But well, it’s just another point NOT to purchase lame content.


Zero activity. Kept looking for anything suitable on other servers. Found nothing.

And so the days go, with grind and silence. Maybe in Bloxd I will finally find something refreshing.