

Lord of the rings online

We finally have an 17th Anniversary festival. Festival rewards includ two cute hamsters. One is simple, another – with fireworks. Turth to be told, lazy hamster won’t launch fireworks, he just carries them. Explosive hamster? Self-propelled-hamster mine?
Simple (“Sienna”) hamster is 20 Anniversary tokens. Fireworks hamster (Merrymaking) is some 20 tokens, given for participating in festival instances. Luckily, Stormsong had 75/40 those special tokens. So my grumpy Minstrel has both hamsters.
Other rewards include steeds (I guess there are two), some cosmetics. If you have steel tokensm, you can barter permanent fireworks launchers. These look pretty cool.
Windstorms rushed to do quests. Experience for them is low, only some 7000 xp. But I got simple hamster very quickly. And then, rushed to do Anniversary quests. I got easy (Eriador) version. Many places to travel and explore. Rewards are of little use, but it is activity I need. And tokens as well – after all, I may need some festival stuff.
Some festival quests are too…narrow. I had to /challenge Old Man Willow. But I cannot challenge it from anywhere -there is exact spot. One step left or right – quest cannot advance. I wish developers changed that.


A total stagnation. Cannot build anything or plan anything. Standard houses remain, while I have no ideas how advanced buildings should look like. Castle is one BIG problem. Land plot is little (71 x 41 blocks). Naturally, castle must be high. Higher than church (naturally; local duke must show who rules the land). Any castle should include towers, living quarters for duke, living quarters for his wife & ladies. Every building should have normal rooms for everything, from sleeping to making parties and eating. Every building must be ig gothic style.
I tried to copy one fantasy castle found on internet. It was an absolute failure. So now I stand, unable to make any realistic thoughts. All I need is one person who would be kind to show me designs. That’s all, I can build when I have ideas.

My real life is going downstairs, I am facing too many problems…and all I could do is sit days in Lotro and Bloxd. Sometimes I create, sometimes I destroy, but it looks like I am running from myself.

Anyway, at least in Lotro things are going quite good.