

Lord of the rings online

And so I went to Snowbourn. Short rest there, then visit to Meduseld. Everything is dark there, Grima rules and helpless Theoden King cannot do anything. Of course, we were expelled from Edoras. Once again, return to Snowbourn.

Which leads to most cotroversial decision: evacuate town. Let it be destroyed by Orcs while citizens flee to safety. Yet Snowbourn has good walls and enough towns around. With all Rohirrim gathered, city could hold as much as needed. Eomer thinks otherwise: let us flee and hope we will reclaim ruins.

After short running, I am redirected to Wildermore. It’s something I do not wish to do. I am still not strong. Traceries are still wrong. Jewellery is still amateurish. And there is much to do in Snowbourn. There is Hytbold that needs rebuilding. And of course, kindred with all factions + Guide to Snowbourn.

So Wildermore could wait. I will run dailies for Hytbold. Gather all tokens I could get. Then, one day – hurray, Hytbold will be rebuilt.

Wildermore is probably last region that has stories and is really interesting. For some reason, after it SSG abandoned story arcs, like Nona & Horn. For me, such stories are really interesting, makes us think about heroes and wars. What we have later is comic Jajax and evil Karazgar. That’s all,

So, my adventures on green fields of Rohan continues. I must enjoy every minute while it lasts: after Wildermore there would be little fun.