

Lord of the rings online

I quested in Eaworth. Yes, same town known for its evil lighthouse (impossible to finish). But questing was interesting. Shadow of Grima is even there. Bravery and treachery, resolve and despair are everywhere. And it feels. I had lots, lots of quests to do. Once again, my favourite choice: support treacherous NPC with cautious approach – or courageous NPC with hothead approach. I suspected one NPC to be traitor, so chose hothead approach. Again, lots of things to do. Then – attack against Orc camp and revealing of treachery. Between them – very, very cold approach to Nona. Rohirrim treated her really bad. Naturally, Nona left (to return, of course).

I also managed to do Hytbold quests. At least easy ones. Result – Wold and Norcrofts districts at Ally level are done. Mead hall is looking much better now. And of course, stables. These are really needed to reach Hytbold.
Whatever other players say, I do enjoy Hytbold. It makes you work towards goal and have the pleasure to rebuild entire town.

And yes, I reached level 85. Immediately I use all lvl.85 LI runes plus equipped Hytbold armour. Result: I am better at combat now.

What happens next? I follow epic quests up to Snowbourn. Then, I do all landscape there. Try to finish every deed. At that point – invest time to rebuild Hytbold and reach Kindred with all factions. Only after Hytbold rebuilt could I face Theoden King.


No acitivty, except random lobbies. Last changes are almost disastrous and most players dislike them.