

Lord of the rings oFFline

Game was offline for all day, opening only today (Lithuanian time). So – no chance to play.
Instead, developers announced incoming changes to Hunter. Naturally, this was to be expected. Hunter was popular, it delivered quality dps, Hunter was needed in groups. Of course, this had to be changed.

It is too easy to predict: Hunter would suffer heavy nerf (from 30% to 50% loss of DPS), usefull utility skills will be removed or made obsolete; maybe “Guide to…” skills would receive increased cool down. You know, when class is good it need rework, i.e. heavy nerf. If class is bad, then all is good, no rework needed.

Looks like soon I would have no toon to play with: all would become almost obsolete. But at least I had fun with many of them.


Only one house finished, maybe 70 to go and then – to take much needed rest. Maybe advertise lobby to get any visitors.