

Lord of the rings online

Can’t remember if Iw rote: Hytbold finished, I got title and that’s it. Started grinding Yule (encore). There is almost nothing to get, except valuable experience. So I do almost all I can. Except snowball fight, things are going good. Of course, eating contest can be finished on extremely rare occasions, but overall – things are doable.

After Yule grind run, I use to go and run Missions – once again, for valuable xp.

Managed to run into group of very helpfull people. They were not scared by my questions, they were often in Bree regional and they were kind to me. Their Kinship – I thought it looked very, very promissing. Today I googled them – well, a know Kinship, yet – roleplay one. I would never fit into roleplay. If it is possible to joke about “Sauron the nice”, it is not possible to roleplay, say, “Mouth of Sauron-2” for me.

Thus I am staying with my current Kinship. If only because there is nowhere for me to go to.

My role-players were really kind to explain me setup. I think I may be stronger now (even if some attacks are lacking).


I continue building normal houses. Castle and all ‘extra’ buildings will wait. Of course, I will return to them, just later.
Note for myself: I do need to print a plan of simple house. Otherwise I am lost at what goes where.

And so my days goes, so far – good in Lotro.