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Lord of the rings online

Finally, we have “Black sales”. As one mmo site enthusiastically told – “Lotro is known for its terrific sales”. Yes, of course. Some decent sales on pre-historic content that most people almost forgot. Even Gundabad, known as G-bad is on entire 25% discount. Which means, for 100$ package you ought to pay only 75$. For content, that is worth some 20$ maximum…

These were “sales” for Lotro cash store. Lotro store for Lotro points got none content with any discount. No usefull discounts, except carry-alls (those got 50% off).

SSG being SSG: no content-related discount for Lotro points, only minor items that mostly does not influence landscape. I was naive and super-optimistic. I believed that SSG would any any older content with significant discount.

Of course, it is not happening. It would not happen, developers clearly demonstrated: content would never be discounted for Lotro points. Minor things – of course. Major ones – never. A pity. Wise developers would let older content really cheap, so that players buy and invest their time. SSG would be stubborn, repeating “No no no no!!! Screw you all! No!” all the time.

One could just imagine how Lotro could prosper under wise developers who does not fight common sense. How happy their player base would be. But it’s just a dream that won’t come true. As well as my hopes of ANY content I do not have to be discounted within, say, neariest 7 years.

Stormsong, meanwhile, just turned in taskboard items, gathered stuff and finished another tier of crafting. The higher the tier, the less we have farming spots. Yet, I have patience to grind. After all, what else do I have to do? Nothing.

In Lotro’s silent chat I found out I have nobody to have smalk chat with. Not about something “where to find this/that”…just a person to share jokes, thoughts, even not game related. There was none. Sometimes I really wish I had one.


Well…nothing new here too. One kid “me ban u, my brother is Bloxd owner he ban u”. I trolled back that my brother was owner of Google and he would ban that kid from internet. Later I and other used trolled that “me ban u” that he was not 9 years, but 9 months (or even 9 weeks old).

But let me state clearly: if I had enough money (few thousands euros) – I would rather buy my own Bloxd server and build…than invest same amount into Lotro. In Bloxd we have some kind of community, in Lotro – almost none.

And so the day has ended. One with…disappointment. But this is how Lotro would live since now: discount things that almost nobody needs and leave needed things without any discount. And this is how I am to live since now: in a complete silence, forgotten and ignored for no reason.

World of cold and silence.