

Lord of the rings online

There was one very cool show, called “Science of Stupid”. At the start host would always ask – “So, what coud possibly go wrong?”. Of course, everything. Otherwise there would be no show.

SSG follows this pattern. They have tested new expansion, delayed a bit for it to work smoothly. What could possibly go wrong?
Most of things did. Delvings’ quest to finish 15 delvings on any tier is gone. Ability to run delvings at any tier is gone (i.e.: you do not receive quest from Delving stone and so cannot attach gem to it). Ability to add extra crafting profession is not available. Multi-resource tracking is not available. Recipes for new tier are messed. At its best – formally acknowledged by developers – this would be fixed at January. Untill then, enjoy pure masochism.

Due to delvings’ scrap, I was able only to turn in Gundabad taskboard items. Lacking tens of millions xp, nowhere to get them. LFF channel was surprisingly empty. Few players desired low level runs and only one asked for levelling…with no answer in chat. Very strange situation. I expected LFF to explode from requests.

No luck was there in my Regional chat. Two players started attacking and mocking me just because I use Regional chat. They even stated that the problem of World chat toxicity and trolling was me. Oh, me? They likely wanted to tell I was a God of global chat, almighty and unavoidable and unpunishable… Lucky for me, one such half-troll had to share some valuable information (strange for troll).

So it would take me 10 days to reach one level. If every two weeks means one level – I will not see New Year as lvl.150.

Otherwise – no socialization, I am absolutely invisible to others. Guess I could post whatever I want, including obscenities and nonsenses – nobody will ever see. Nope, I would not do bad things. Just it’s not so good at being ignored by everyone, except 2-3 people. And another bad thing – it turns out, I had no friends. All that were – left Lotro long ago. In all game world, I am absolutely alone.


Few talks, few runs to grind resources. On one prison lobby talked to local toxic player. One who enjoys humiliating and spawn killing. Told him frankly I do not consider him to be a human. Humans have compassion, pvp’ers don’t. World of PvP is “kill or be killed”. Also, almost all prison maps have no escape, so reason to visit is…mostly none.

My online life is almost complete silence and lonelyness. Lotro is worse than Bloxd, because in Bloxd I am not ignored, I could ask and receive answers. In Lotro I have only taskboard items. In Bloxd I have a need to move to another lobby and start some nice builds.