

Lord of the rings online

Umbar expansion is finally there, game took not so long to update. Stormsong turned in first set of taskboard items – and some 1,6 million xp was mine. Not so much, I need 16 million xp for just one level.

It was my surprise one kinnie reached lvl.150 within few hours. Sincerelly, I have no idea how. Even if all tomes of xp are used – it’s just not possible within few hours. Ok, turn in 10 taskboard item sets. Ok, run all delvings. Instances. 2-3 hours are just not enough, yet he did it. A mystery, have to admit (or heavy use of mithril coins to reset quests/taskboards).

Next surprise was almost empty LFF channel. I expected it to explode with “NN instance, xp run” type ads. No, it was mostly empty.

Of course, I am not purchasing Umbar. There is nothing for me to do there. Questing is out of question, I would be one-shotted by any monster. Return of investment wise it probably will need some 20 toons to return points I have spent. And no way I am paying my cash: you [SSG] nerf my toon, I nerf my financial support.

I hope start heavy xp grinding today. This is where all xp tomes will be usefull.

Socialization is once again out of question. Nobody talks, and those who do – just drop one phrase and leave. If you need anti-social game, it’s surely Lotro.


Nothing happened. Lobby was almost, but maybe it’s good. One person I trusted has gone into killing almost anyone he meets. Our design expert shows up too rarely. Some newbies with very radical approach (“gimme stuff I am new” – and when I refuse – “u r noob”).

My online life right now would mean a simple rush to level 150. Just to be on a safe route in evil, grumpy Gundabad. Taskboard items would provide a nice addition to xp. Delvings would finally have some real meaning.
Of course, alone. Always alone since I have no aid to be expected. But as one person said – “Luke, this is your destiny”…