

Lord of the rings online

I run same delvings each day – easy ones, tier 1, rewards are mostly useless, but who cares? It’s boring, yes. But it’s Legendary track xp, it’s character improvement things and tokens – these things counts. Rest is just boredom.

Met one troll in Regional chat. Blocked him, he somehow appeared again to give me some lecture. Lecture was ignored, as well as troll. And then I met one kind and friendly player. He was able to explain some things that were unclear to me. Patient enough to explain in simple words, like “this status gives you that, so this status is mostly used for tanking”. I really can’t thank him enough. If Lotro still has community – it hold only thanks to such people.

Which let me feel better. I have clearer view on equipment, which one I could scrap and which one I should keep.

We have Umbar update tomorrow – so almost all day would be offline. And then I would finally be able to use my taskboard items, reach Kindred with Gundabad faction (Reclaimers of something?) and earn valuable levels.

I skip fact that there is nobody to talk to or ask for advice. It’s just everyday routine – cold and silence.


Oh, these kids…managing to create nice things and cause great harm at the same time. My current lobby was in flames of civil war, then one player swore not to rise sword again, then he resumed player killing. I was busy with decorating garden. Thus called for help – one player does have some knowledge in design. He helped me, now underground garden looks just nice (even if not how I envisioned).

However, I have built almost everything I could and wanted to. There is nothing more to do on this lobby. So it’s either move elsewhere – or start my own lobby and build my big cities (unlimited protectors, yay!), roads, villages, seaports…

Online life is still. Little is left to do, except some standard boredom. Hopefully, grinding levels would change things for a while…