

Lord of the rings online

Same and same pattern – log, run Delvings, ask in /Regional, get no answers, log off. I managed to run easy Delvings, then saw I lacked only few for my “finish 45 missions” deed. So – some Dwarf missions and hurray, things were done.

I always pick Character improvement option – when new extension launches, lvl.150 would be new cap, so I will need to reach it quickly.

Regional was almost always empty, with few random people around, and almost no talks.


We have pumpkins, so everyone is after them. Since I have nothing to do, I grow and collect pumpkins. On the other side, server is alive. Pity, it is not…healthy…activity. We have clans formed and they always kill each other, sometimes as low as spawn-killing. Several players are really the worst of the worst, engaging in spawn-killing, demolishing other bases, cheating and possibly telling lies.

Perhabs it is high time to start my own server with no wars – and leave this one. Owner is not there, admins are not there and chaos rules. That’s how servers die. I really wish owner just delete this server.

I am going through serious crisis in my personal life. Online life is strange: Lotro has nobody to talk to and mature community; Bloxd has enough people to talk to and community of kids. Yes, kids are very toxic making life an instant fear.
Lotro has become a place with no socialization whatsoever. And no, trolling or disputing politics/religion does NOT count as socialization. A universe of cold and silence.

Now – just to wait untill level cap…and start using those xp tomes for missions/delvings plus taskboard items. That’s the only thing I am waiting for.