

Lord of the rings online

Wildermore is almost done. I mean, epic here is done. Quests are nice and interesting, stories are interesting and you actually immerse while reading quest texts. Ending animation is superb, as always (“Go forth, young ones…”).

And epic required me to ride to Edoras. I left many Wildermore quests. Will return one day to finish them, but now there are more pressing matters. Nurzum will fail, but Rohan still must be saved. And so I went. Everything escalated quickly – Grima defeated, yet spared. A pity, he deserved really painfull death. Then, the king’s ride West. I enjoyed – once again – Theoden’s talk with Gleowine and kind of just justice. Eowyn is left to take care of Edoras and evacuate town. Not an easy task, because many citizens are grumpy/unwilling. And all this atmosphere is just great. After Rohan we would not have anything alike. Too large and boring Gondor with bad architecture. Anorien that is mostly about flowers and nothing more. Wastelands, where you just waste your time. Mordor is great and time consuming, some really epic scenes – but too little stories. Then we have too small Beorning lands with stories and atmosphere. After that – empty regions to kill time.

So, let us enjoy Rohan, green and inviting, with stories.

And yes, I just enjoy questing. Travelling is safe, all mos are grey, so I do not over-level. In short, I like almost everything in Rohan, the last quality region. All thanks to those two kind players who helped me level up and adviced on Loremaster setup. These prove that not all Lotro community is rotten and worthless.


Got really stuck. Need some inspiration, ideas, visitors…and none so far.

And so my joy with Lotro is back. As well as realisation that I would be soloer without any real kinship. I will belong to current one, unless they expell me. BLoxd must continue, I must finish my little town and move on.