
Lord of the rings
Stormsong ran 4 delvings – what was needed to finish “finish 45 missions” repeatble quest. Received some awards and all activity was done.

Managed to help one player with Dol Amroth dailies.

Then, there were again folks trying to mock and humiliate me. All put on ignore – and once again, all from that haters’ community. I wonder if they still enjoy insulting me in their pitifull community of 1500 professional haters.

Lotro is complete silence. Almost no talks – very little in LFF – or activity. Absolutely nothing to do. Yes, LFF runs very high tier content that (according wiki) takes some hour to complete…but these are new lands and I am unable to run it.


In vain search of any normal server. Because right now most servers are:
1. Ones where owner/admin proudly stands in spawn point and kills all newbies

2. Ones where owner/admin requires to teleport to them, so he may kill you; disobey, be banned

3. PvP hardcore – everyone kills everyone everywhere, land is scorched, nowhere to build

4. Spectator/parkour

To add to this, I need a flat desert to build my city. If land varies by, say, 5 levels, that’s just too much to make a starting point. Result: could not find any lobby. Some even do not have deserts.

Master of Orion 2

I had a glorious moment where tens of system were under my Sakkra tyranny, I was able to amass big fleet and strike those worthless enemies, turn them to dust.

And so my days are going on and on. Into silence and cold.