
Lord of the rings online

Still no info about Update 23 and I wish it was delayed for, say, 2 years.

Stormsong picked some dailies, ran Mordor quests. Agarnaith finished, Lhingris advances and I have 1,5 days to do all 5 in each region. Maybe I will succeed. Dailies were easy, especially Lhingris.

Naktieskarys tried to craft legendary sword for Hunter…and ran into problem. Hunter wanted some “Unearthed…”, these cannot be crafted – so asked if simple crafted first age would do.

We had some discussion about keys and their removal. Some tell it is SSG taking steps to increase profits. I object. I would go to make more privileges for VIPs. I would go for all content, expansions included, free for VIPs. I would go for some housing items being sold for cash only. Remove keys totally, get lots of angry players and angry player is bad customer. There were those who told prices for keys would rise. Once again – I object. Why should one buy a key for, say, 50 gold only to receive Dale men cream, some shaggy robe and lvl.12 dagger? Cheaper to buy at AH. At the end, however, all keys will be used and become of zero value.

What I would do in SSG place: reconsider lootboxes. Let us say, each lootbox drops status tome (100% probability), 1 item of random cosmetics, then – 50% probability to drop convenience tome (defense, xp supply, accelerators…), 25% probability to drop Anfalas scroll, 10% probability to drop Anfalas crystal/crystal of remembrance etc. Of course, SSG won’t do it because it is clear and logic.

Yesterday also trolled kinnies with “You folks know I am leaving, right?”…only to explain I leave for vacations. Beautifull Florence awaits me, so – next week I am mostly offline.

And so the day has ended.