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Lord of the rings online

“Wellcome back” weeked with its double xp has ended, but it had little affect on NaktiesKarys – he continued to have fun in Mirkwood.

There are great many quests there, every settlement has plenty of them. Go scout area. Run and defeat spiders, search for poor Elves, destroy banners of enemy and finally rise the banners of the Free people. It was interesting to observe discussion of Elven commanders about their actions against enemy and even track the Gollum (I had to defeat Orcs assaulting this creature…why couldn’t I kill orcs and Gollum?). Reputation with Mallhedrim was flowing, Legendary item experience was plentyfull. And of course, I was almost invicible, slaying Cargul sentries and trolls, dealing with 50.000 hp strong monsters without using health potions. I felt really good and the land – the land is interesting with its creatures and gloomy mood at night.

Reached Kindred with Mallhedrim, received “Ambassador of Elves” title ant mount plus 40 Turbine points. Did some other slayer deeds. Everything was just great, I am determined to finish all non-repeatable quests I will find and do all deeds there. Only then will I leave Mirkwood.

In Kinship chat we were discussing Big Battles and that they are not very big success (according to what players say). Disucced classes choice and I could reccomend Minstrel only. I am thinking about rolling main toon as Minstrel…but the need to invest ~2000 Turbine points is something that discourages. Still have to think about it.

And so the day has ended, I had 293 Turbine points and ready to continue adventures in Mirkwood. Life is just great in Lotro.